The PassivHAUS architecture company

Hire Us

How hiring this architect works.

Hiring an architect is simple when you start with an independent cost analysis. Get a Needs and Options Review so that your budget and scope of work make sense;

Architects are bound by a code of conduct which requires us to state up-front our charges and expenses. Our fee of course must be linked to the scale of the project, because this determines the projected workload. As such, it is fundamental that we try to establish a project value at the outset, and then base a fee on this. This can be as a percentage of contract cost, or it can be a lump sum (when the scope of work is clear).

Step 1

Purchase your initial consultation

(€165.00 plus vat Fixed Fee)

Step 2

Purchase your Needs and Options Review (with travel if outside Cork).

We will contact you to arrange a suitable time.

(€350.00 plus vat Fixed Fee)

Step 3

If you are happy with the feasibility of your project following the Needs and Options Review process, you can hire us to provide the services you require to procure your building works.

(Fee agreed in Step 2)

Guide to procuring your first commercial building

Architectural Brief

From the client’s point of view, your first step is to come up with a ‘brief’. A description, either verbal or written, of what is it you require to be built.

– a list of each room required, a physical description of the size of each space, in feet or metres

– a description of the function of each room (bedroom, bathroom, utility etc). If you have particular expectations, add as much detail as you have, ie built in wardrobes here, room for x number of appliances there, underfloor heating etc.

– a description of any non-physical aspirations you want to add to the brief, lots of daylight, connection to garden, sense of drama to an entrance hall, lots of timber, clean lines, minimalism, modernism, steel and glass, natural materials… whatever you wish for.

I always recommend to my clients that they open up a Pinterest account. This allows you to make boards of images of whatever inspires you. Have a look at my Pinterest boards which show my research and inspiration images. This will tell me exactly what you like and don’t like. From this without ever doing a design, I know what ball-park cost based on experience to allow for your works. I have designed and priced buildings of all types from €50 / square foot to €300 / square foot.

Agreeing a budget

For domestic projects, I have established a really good system over the years to streamline this process. You will have a figure in your head that is your available funds. However, this will be based on what you want to spend, not necessarily in any way related to the price of what you want to build. So there is a fundamental problem in that the architect needs to know what the project is actually going to cost in order to agree a fee, and your budget may or may not be sufficient. During the design process either the budget is going to inflate to match your brief requirements, or the brief is going to scale back to meet your budget. Either way you may think the architect is intentionally loosing control of budget to get more fees, or the architect is going to loose money because he agreed a fee on a smaller amount of work and is now doing 40% more. Not a good situation for any relationship!

Needs and Options Review

I have established a system where I do a fixed-fee Needs and Options Review for clients, to independently establish a realistic budget for their project. This is without appointing me as architect for any further services. This is how I do it;

First is to visit the site, examine the existing building or property

Then take the clients brief as described above

Take photographs of everything of note

On return to the office I start to prepare a report where the existing site/building conditions are put down on paper. Any concerns, planning issues, give warnings about risks such as rot, asbestos, drains, structure, Carbon Monoxide, Radon etc where further investigations are necessary are noted. The clients brief is described and any requirements, taking into account anything that is noted on site which may have implications for this. The conclusions and recommendations about potential building methods, development potential. A spreadsheet of costs is compiled with allowances for each individual element broken down into headings such as refurbishment, site costs, new build, energy upgrade, vat, professional fees, planning costs, surveys, grant deductions. This gives the client an overall budget for the project. It is independent, and based on experience. I have no vested interest in this figure, it is a statement of opinion. Then I put in a generic figure for fees based on industry average as surveyed by the RIAI. At this point there is no design – this is just about establishing a real cost for exactly what you describe, with a lot of experience and judgement thrown in.

Within this is a fee offer for what I would charge to do the full job (from sketch design to snagging after completion) given my additional expertise and it is up to the client to decide whether they want to use my services or take the written report to other architects and get a comparative fee proposal. I will make some suggestions about where the brief might be rationalised to make it more affordable.

This service is very attractive to clients, as it gets you on the process without any commitment. Clients can take this away for six months while they consider their options, get their funds in order and come back to me when and if they are ready to proceed.

Want to know what services does an architect provide? See here for a list


Contact Us

021 242 9455 23 The Rise Bishopstown County Cork Ireland T12 H6D2