Fee reduction offer to All Prospective Clients!
Due to unforeseen circumstances*, this practice finds itself with excess short term capacity. We are offering 15% off services for the months of February and March 2015!
This is on top of any fee reduction already offered in your cost reports. This is a first-come, first served offer, so if you were seriously thinking about getting your sketch design done in 2015, act now and save serious money that can be better spent elsewhere!
This offer applies to new contracts signed in the month of February, for services completed in February and March, and paid for before the end of March 2015 and does not include cost reports.
If this is not for you then please feel free to forward this friends who may also be considering a project.
*Two significant projects being delayed during the planning application process.
If you would like to avail of this fee reduction offer please contact us at 021 2429455 and let us know!